


田んぼ隊チアリーダー、最近は英語に凝っていて「キャサリン」を名乗っているちなっぴーの冬の内職は、お正月に向けてのしめ縄作り。「ちなっぴーは今、宇宙旅行に行っていることになっているから(笑)日本と外国の文化の違いを見ることが、小さい頃からの夢でね。今、滞在中の韓国人のヨンちゃんに、英語の先生になってもらったり、しめ縄作りを教えたり、夢が実現して、Nice! Great! Wonderful!!皆もキャサリンに英語で話しかけてね♪」
Dear キャサリン(There are many spellings of this name, so I went for the safest to use katakana!?),
It reminded me your beautiful & native pronounciation of “Good Morning” I heard in the kitchen. Shimenawa and to-be in the picture looks beautiful, too. Where I live in Mie Pref., every house (must) have a shimenawa throughout a year. They are to protect the house from the thing evil. The one in your hand looks so lovely. Can I have one as well???(<= Just kidding.)
Hi Catherine!
How are you doing now?
I am enjoying the work here in Tokyo.
I love the Shimenawa made by you every year,
Cos I feel much of your love contained in it!
So looking forward seeing you in this Xmas,
and say hello to chinatsu traveling stars!
see you soon.
Dear まゆまゆ、さのっち
How do you do! My name is キャサリン.
I’m from 太陽. I’m a 太陽 high school student.
My club is 空手 and テコンドー.
I’m seventeen years old.
Thank you very much for your comments.
I’m very happy!
The reason why I came to the earth is I read the 憲章ブログ.
Therefore, I let ちなっぴ go to 宇宙旅行 to use her body.
I came to 木の花ファミリー in order to hold hands with all the people beyond nationalities
and to build a new world with full of joys.
I play the role of 酵素.
The 酵素 connects people.
I suggest you become 酵素 in order to build the wonderful society.
I’m studying English.
I usually speak 太陽 language.
Please teach me English, my teacher まゆまゆ and さのっち.
I’m looking forward to seeing you this Xmas season, too!